新视野大学英语教案 新视野大学英语教案第三版

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新视野大学英语教案 新视野大学英语教案第三版新视野大学英语教案 新视野大学英语教案第三版

1、Unit Nine Section BPart One: New Words1. dissolve v. 1. (cause to ) come to an end (使)结束,(使)解体The tension in the office just dissolves when she walks out.她一走出去,办公室里的紧张气氛就烟消云散了。

2、The society was dissolved due to lack of members.社团由于缺少成员而解散了。

3、2. be absorbed by a liquid 溶解Keep stirring the tea until the sugar has dissolved.搅动茶水,直到糖溶解为止。

4、Dissolve two spoons of powder in warm water.将两匙粉末溶解于温水。

5、2. overtake v. 1. (of sth. unpleasant) reach suddenly 突然降临于,意外侵袭The family was overtaken by tragedy several years ago, andthey still hen't recovered. 几年前,这家人突然遭遇不幸,现在还没恢复过来。

6、She was overtaken by sorrow when her huand died. 丈夫时,她悲痛欲绝。

7、2. come from behind and pass 追上,赶上,超过It's dangerous to overtake another car on a bend.在弯道处超车是危险的。

8、Exports he already overtaken last year's figure.出口量已经超过了去年。

9、3. vary v. (cause to) change or be different (使)不同,更改,改变Salary scales vary from state to state. 工资高低因州而异。

10、The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptable.这些样品质量不一致,但大体可以接受。

11、4. optional a. chosen or not as one wishes可任意选择的,非强制的,随意的The charge for going into the museum is optional.这座博物馆的门票可付可不付。

12、Art and music are optional. 艺术和音乐是选修的。

13、5. inflation n. [U] a general continuous increase in prices 通货膨胀I hope the new measures will contribute to preventing the houseprice inflation. 我希望新的措施将有助于防止房价上涨。

14、Inflation usually affects many countries at the same time.通货膨胀通常同时影响着许多。

15、6. wee v. 1. twist (long objects) together; make (sth.) by doing this 编织It takes great skill to wee a basket from grasses.将草编成篮子需要极高的技巧。

16、She is good at weing straw into hats. 她擅长编草帽。

17、2. put facts together to make a story编造,汇编She wove the story around a specific theme.她围绕一个特定的主题编了这个故事。


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