迈克尔比斯利 迈克尔比斯利现在在哪支球队

生活日常 2024-07-25 09:52:09


迈克尔比斯利 迈克尔比斯利现在在哪支球队迈克尔比斯利 迈克尔比斯利现在在哪支球队

迈克尔比斯利 迈克尔比斯利现在在哪支球队

1、场夏季联赛就拿了28分+9板,不错哦,心理也比较稳定,不会紧张,比罗斯好嘛.大学数据就没有太多的了解,但应该不是有史以来最强的.更别说后无来者了.NBA Comparison: Carmelo AnthonyStrengths: A fabulous athlete with an NBA ready body... Completed one of the most dominant seasons in college basketball history, as a freshman ... His length, quickness, jumping ability and strength combine to make him one of the most difficult match ups ... He has range from anywhere on the floor all the way out to NBA three, but is especially effective with his soft touch around the rim, where he uses both hands to finish with a variety of moves ... His left handed jump shot is a thing of beauty, with a ooth release, he has good arc and is very balanced getting his legs under him to get great elevation ... Most erous out of the mid-t where he can square his man up, and attack with a variety of moves; including strong takes to the hoop, a n midrange pull-up, or simply shooting over the top of less defenders ... From the triple threat his jabs and shot fakes are extremely efficient because he not only has a quick first step, but also a very long one that allows him to get by people at will ... When the defender tries to beat him to the spot, he has a terrific spin move that is virtually unstoppable ... His t has progressed nly, and he has shown a n touch on a variety of hook-shots and fadeaways ... He fights hard to get good ition on the block, and n harder when crashing the O glass, as seen by the 4 offensive rebounds that he eraged per ... His ability to play the passing lanes and come over weakside to block shots, further adds to his ability to fill the stat sheet ... A strong personality with great confidence who nr gets down on himself. There are few doubts about him becoming a bigtime impact talent at the next ll ...Weaknesses: Even though he has great length and body strength, he is somewhat undersized for the PF spot at the next ll ... His perimeter skills, while effective against weaker competition, may not be refined enough to allow him to move over to the SF ition just yet, so there are some question marks regarding his ition ... His is based on sheer athletici and strength, but his actual basketball skills can use some refinement ... Going right he is very shaky, and struggles dribbling the ball more than tw with his right hand ... He has decent footwork in the t, but an overall lack of go-to moves, forces him to at times get out of control and to lee his feet and throw up some ill-aised shots, although his ability to create in these situations is remarkable ... His mentality is to score no matter how many people are guarding him, countless times, he would find himself facing a double or n triple team, yet he would still opt to shoot instead of finding an open teammate. Soming that can be at least partially attributed to a lack of quality teammates ... Averaged a measly 1.2 assists per , which may not only be a testament to his scoring mentality, but also to his marginal vision ... His decision is also suspect at times, he gets into trouble by trying to do too much, then attempts to throw difficult passes ... Defensively, he has come a long way from simply wondering around the court, but that doesn't mean that he is by any means a stopper just yet. He has the potential to be an incredible defender, but he has yet to show the willingness to get nasty and play with the same effort on that end of the floor ... Man to man, he is decent and shows improved desire but can improve ... From a team standpoint, he is still not very good at reading angles and being in good ition but that should come with experience ... There is some concern about his work ic and wher cashing huge checks before the age of 19 will he an effect on his motor.Notes: His on-court demeanor has looked very good throughout the year, as he has shown no signs of the previous attitude problems ... Off the court he has matured very nly as well, and most of the problems that he plagued him throughout high-school seem to he dissipated ...Borko Popic - 4/24/2008Strengths: Incredibly diverse and refined offensive ... Strong inside/outside skills ... From the block, he can give you a drop step, jump hook, and/or fade-away ... He can t up 15 feet out and take his man off the dribble, pop a J in the defender's eye, take a fade-away, or find a cutting teammate ... He can catch and shoot from anywhere out to 25 feet ... Has great range on his shot ... He can bring the ball up the court and go to work on his man or find open teammates ... Very good on the break. Big time athlete with great explosiveness - a powerful dunker... Makes a habit of producing highlight reel dunks ... Excellent body control ... Lefty with good length and great body strength ... Has a definite swagger on the court. Brash. Has a big personality and presence ... Very aggressive player, who intimidates most players on the high school ll. Gets inside the heads of his opponents ... Has a nastiness to his , that you like to see ... Can be a huge intimidator, because he will back-up anything he says ...Weaknesses: Maturity. Some feel that he has an attitude problem, and lacks the discipline to be coached ... A year under Bob Huggins should him considerably ... Defense and effort. He occasionally coasts through entire s... There is a theory that he is so much better than his competition that he gets bored ... Incredibly, he will literally walk through warm-ups and appear to play at less than half speed, and still easily be the most dominant player on the court against prep school teams with 7+ division one players ... From watching him play, you would think that he has a bad attitude, though his coaches say he is a hard worker in pract (which explains his aanced offensive arsenal)... Puts in very little effort on defense at this point, though does block shots thanks to his athletici, timing, and size ... Could ntually become a decent defender, though will nr be his calling card ... The comes so easily to him, some wonder if he's willing to work to be the player he can be ...Drew Wolin - 2/15/2007Strengths: Versatile forward with a long wingspan and great body strength ... An elite ll athlete, really gets high off the floor ... Has an excellent inside/outside , with the ability to bang down low as well as face the basket and drive or shoot ... Has all the physical skills one would want, size, handle, shot ... Plays the with a swagger, high ll of confidence ... He can step out to 18 ft and knock down the J and his 3 point shot is gaining consistency ... Good form on his stroke ... Has the handle and strength to drive the lane, almost at will, and can finish once he gets there ... Tremendous rebounder, snatches boards above the box ...Weaknesses: The almost comes too easily to him, he must prove he's willing to work hard to continue improving ... Doesn't fit a ition especially well, but has the size and speed to play both forward itions effectively ... A little slow footed for the perimeter, and closer to 6-8 than 6-9 ... He shows flashes of immense talent to be a big time NBA player, but must continue to work on many parts of his ... Still has a lot of work to do before he becomes a consistent player, especially mentally ... Lacks the ability to elevate the play of his teammates, his vision and passing skills are just erage ... Can get frustrated when things aren't going well, needs maturity, mental toughness ... Play can become lazy and unfocused at times ... Lacks consistency ... While his can be dominant against other HS players, it's yet to be dloped against top ll competition ...不知道您是不是看的懂英语,如果看的懂那了。



4、这么跟你说 奥登一场比赛都没有打但是在NBA所有球员都重新进行一次选绣的话他还是会在前10被选中我也不知道为什么比斯利的数据---26.2分 16.2篮板 投篮命中58% 其中三分命中38.4% 强不强可以自己看听说有个叫奥登是最厉害的吧~~~~~~~~`杜兰特从高中开始和他打了几次都把他完爆完全不行,就是个数据男铁定不是~~这算什么詹姆斯和科比还有加内特都是高中生呢反正怪厉害...应该可以,只要不和wade抢老大就行。


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