
健身运动 2024-07-24 09:53:26

小学英文作文:你小时候贪玩吗?有没有调皮的时候?做过让家长生气的时候?以“A story of myself"

好想回到小时候 : I want to go back 小鸭小猪-猪-鸭子to childhood.


Really want to return to childhood。























when i was all,and christmas trees were tall,

想千奇百怪,但敢想敢做;因为童年的超搞理解力,又闹出很多让人哭笑不得的事情。虽然犯过错,虽然委屈过,但那时是欢乐最多、天性也最自由的。就让我们play with mud在


I really want to return to when I was young.



I want to go back to my childhood.

I'd like to go back to my childhood.

I wan??t to return to my childhood.



依然是小 至真至纯PBJ时候的味道

It's still the taste of my childhood.I'd like to return to my childhood.



It's still the flour in my childhood


"Hey!This who you?" I pointed at a black-and-white photographs yellowing asked.

The difference bew past and today

At past, our parents always thought about the next meal if they could eat enough. But today ,we always think what we can eat.At past, soming big happened and we would knew after days n weeks.But today ,when soming big happened we can know immediay. Our life is getting more and more better than past.,1,


等下I remember when she was young to appearance .

My hometown, which is in the south of ×× Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a all river, surrounded by green mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldnt afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes he taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families .he not only color TV sets, but also ephones, fridges, rs, and so on. New roads, houses, schools, hospitals he been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life. ( 103 words) 我的家乡在××南部,是一个非常漂亮的村庄,它位于一条小河的东岸,为绿色的大山所环抱。过去,我的家乡很穷,人们过着艰难的生活,孩子读不起书。但是在刚刚过去的二十年里,我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化口许多家庭不了彩色电视机,而且电话、冰箱、电脑等。新修了公路,新建了房屋、学校和医院。家乡正在为过上更好的生活而辛勤工作


等下 嘻嘻,不用了,我已经懂了,能给多少,1,


抱Interest me,like my father than childhood:歉,是人物变化



I remember being very happy living in the country when I was a child, where flowers bloom in the spring.


学校了以美式英语主,英式英语也有,因为通用的美式英语。相对于英式英语而言,美this...is my picture ,i and mum and dad i am very happy式英语有的部分比较简单易学,例如:he(英式英语中除了完成时he是助动词,其它时态he也是相当于ddo的助动词而美式英语却不是,美式英语避免了区分he在句子中到底是助动词还是实意动词)。关于牛津字典,因为英语的发源地毕竟是英国,英国的词典比较全面,而美式英语中,有的词是可以省略缩写( 美式英语有的单词用时觉得太长了,进行了略写;可能有的单词也进行了变动),如果想要知道某个词的全面拼写,英国的词典比较准确。学习中,可能发现老师叫你读美式发音,却不读英式,还是因为通用美式(英语,应该是英国的读音和字词比较好,毕竟最纯正的英语是英国的。美式通用的另一原因是易学,例如:读音,书写方面)。其实英式美式都可以,不必详细区分。

When I was a kid, I was very naughty. To me, rything seemed to be so interesting that I always wanted to get to know them.So I broke my new toy to find out what was inside it sing. In that case,my parents nr got angry with me. Instead, they encouraged me to try. I also liked to fight with other kids like a in TV series.This wasn't allowed by my parents.

精锐教育老师解答,I remember how she looked like as a kid/child.希望对你有用哦!


小牛-牛Edison was born in Ohio on February 11, 1847.His father is a farmer, his mother was a village teacher. The all Edison curious ry question, what want to try it by himself.When he was 5-year-old, one day after breakfast, the parents found that he was lost until the ning before the huts where the presence of the yard to find him. At this point, he was engrossed squatted in a chicken coop. "You drill doing in this dirty place?" The father asked. "I'm hatching chicks." Edison replied. "How can you hatched chicken?" Father dumbfounding. "No, can hatch!" Edison argued that, "the hen is hatching chicks." "You hens?" The father pulling him out of the chicken coop. "Why hen hatched chicks, I can not do?

In February 11, 1847, Edison was born in the United States of America Ohio, his father was a farmer, my mother was a village teacher. Little Edison curiosity, what do want to try. At the age of 5, one day after breakfast, my parents found out he was gone, until the ning, to present the hospital side of the hut found him. At this time, he is be absorbed in to squat in the henhouse. " What do you drill in this dirty place? " The father asked. " I am in chicks. " Edison answered and said to him. " How can you hatch the chicken? " Father did. " No, can hatch! " Edison argued, " the hen is hatching chicks. " " You are the hen? " Father hard pulled him out of the chicken coop. " Why are hen can hatch, can't I?

Dad said he ate some porridge childhood,pickled vegetables,like carrots dry,only rejoicing for a few days in order to eat meat.And me almost daily,are a bit tired of eating.


kick the shuttlecock

"My son,this is the photo I was a kid,the only photographs of a child!" Dad answered."Ah!How such like me,ah!" I asked surprised.Dad said with a ile:"Although you and I look almost a child may he different life!"

Father to his 13-year-old living on the premises when,in the past he has lived in the cottage at the foot of the mountains,the rain will be about the leakage,can be described as "hey rain outside the house,the house under the rain." And I now live in high-rise buildings,there is no problem at all.



Every time my father to go to school is a very narrow road Tiangeng,if the next words to come back after hey rain,shoes on all soil,and sometimes fall on ,make the whole body are mud.I now take all of the asphalt road is broad,but her mother got into the car to open this school!

In short,rapid changes in living better,and people's clothing,food,shelter,line earth-shaking changes he taken place.Childhood than my father's childhood more happy.Therefore,we must cherish this wonderful time,and strive to learn new knowledge,the future with more aanced science and technology for our next generation to create a more happy life.

我记得她小时候得样子 英文怎么说

小Dad 2. 其他英文频率副词said:He has a child to wear grandma clothes are done,or his brother wearing a all,not clothes.I also think their own clothes to buy a few weeks,my mother saw me a good buy,I almost burst the wardrobe.狮子-狮子

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